Tall Crimes: A Crime Mystery Series

My first Crime novel, ‘Zahhak’s Wildest Dreams’, recently made a few sales. I’ve been getting both positive and critical reviews alike. With this in mind, I’ve planned to expand the book as a crime series. The lead character of the book, Rahman Ebrahimi, will return on, ‘Broken Men Of Tehran’, the second installment of the series ‘Tall Crimes’. The second book of the series will have Rahman pursue a serial killer in Tehran after his retirement at the behest of Aamir Haq, a criminal profiler who helped Rahman in the first book. I’m currently working on the ‘Red Herrings’ that would lead the readers ahead. I guess I will start penning at the first month of August. The second book will be more Noir type and is set in Tehran as the title suggests. I’ve just figured out how the serial killer goes about killing his victims unnoticed. Stay tuned for beta copies of my writings on this blog.


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